YO! LISTEN UP! 1.5 GIGS ONLINE *** NOW! *** COME ABOARD NOW!!! ___________ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ \ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \ / \ NODE #1: / / / / / / / / / NODE #2 706 / _____ / / __/ / / / / / 706 650-1417 /\_____ \/ \/ / / / / / 650-XXXX 14.4HST / / / / / / \___/ \___ 16.8DUAL / S / K / / U / L / L / SOON!! \_________/\____/\___/\________/\________/\________/ __________ ___ ___ ________ ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ \ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \ / / / / / ______/ ______/ ______/ / / / / / / __/ / / / ____/ / ____/ /____ / __/ / / / \/ / / / / / / / / / \__// \/ / / / / / / \/ / \/ / \____/ / /\____ / / B / / U / / G / G / E / R / / Y / \________/\________/\________/\________/\________/\___/\___/\________/ -Anarchy!/s8 NOW RUNNING ON A3000/33mhz/1.5 GIG!- FEEL THE POWER!!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=-SYSOPS-THE BIKER/DR.CLI/SKYLARK-=- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMODORE HAS KICKED A500 AND A500PLUS OUT !!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commodore has stoped producing their major source of income, namely the A500 and the A500Plus. It has been in the air for a couple of weeks now, because leading British Mail-order companies had allready stopped selling the A500 and A500Plus. But now Commodore has officially announced that the Amiga 500 series is no more..... history.....fini......!!! What will this mean according to Commodore: Commodore has launched the new 'and stupid' Amiga 600, and this is now the replacement entry-level machine. The A600 will be supported by a astonishing range of new peripherals :says Commodore. They also admit that the A500Plus is infact a discontinued product. "We are switching emphasis on to the A600 for some very good reasons - probably the right reasons" ; commented Commodore's Andrew Ball. (Pause)...More(y/n/ns)? ns [1A[K What will this mean for us: Well, all the A500 and A500Plus owners (like me) are settle up now with a machine that is no longer supported by it's manufacturer. The machines are no longer being made, in the very near future, stocks will run empty, and at that time the machine will be no longer sold either. This will mean, that third-party manufacturers will more and more let the a500 drop, and concentrate on the new Amiga's. A500 Harddisk manufacturers might consider the A500 a dying market, and stop their development for new products (GVP,MacroSystems,Supra,Protar, etc.) Firms like KCS, Vortex, and the like, may stop their development for A500 emulator cards on the long run. KCS just invested a lot in making a A500Plus version of their PC-Power Board and now has to hear from Commodore that the Plus is no longer made, imagine their frustration. What will it mean for these third party Manufacturers: Firms I named before like Macrosystems, GVP, Supra, ect. all these firms who make SCSI controller cards for the Amiga500 will probably suffer an enorm loss because Commodore (idiot's as they are) chose to put an IDE HD interface in their new A600 series, and these interfaces will be included in the new Amiga models as well. Firms like KCS will also be in for a shock, as their PC-Power Board does not fit with the very reduced internal-slot of the A600. So, when they want to make an A600 version of their PC-emulator card, they will have to develop a whole new card, which will cost a lot of research. (if it is even possible of making an A600 version, because of it's very restricted expansion capabilities). Furthermore, Commodore are now using SMT in their new A600 (and probably in other new Amiga's), SMT stands for Surface Mount Technology and these are expensive words for simply soldering every single bits and chips directly onto the motherboard (except the Kickstart chip). This means that non of the A500 Turboboards can be fitted in the A600, neither can the Vortex ATonce MS-DOS Emulator card, neither can any of the third-party display-enhancers (flicker-fixer), or simply a faster CPU, because all the chips are soldered in the motherboard and can not be pulled out to fit anything else. This also means, that whenever Commodore might release a new Chipset, and believe me they will very soon, the A600 will be left in the cold, because non of the chips can be replaced except for the Kickstart ROM. So it will be very bad for a lot of parties who made the Amiga for what it is today. After all the A500 has allways been the moneymaker for Commodore. It seems Commodore lacks everybit of respect for their customers: First they bring out the Amiga500Plus, which is offcourse a good thing, they sell it as the Amiga 500 of the future, they offer KS 2.0 and WB 2.0 upgrade kits to KS 1.3 owners for absolute Ripp-off prizes, then they make it appear the A500 will be continually supported by Commodore, by making lot of hype about a A570 CD ROM drive for the machine against a fair prize, and then they release an absolute obsolete machine called the A600, and suddenly, as if lighting stroke the Commodore executives, they decide to drop the complete A500 line, and call the new A600 the new entry-level machine. Commodore finally took revenche on all those firms that supported the Amiga 500 with lot's of fine peripherals, better than those from Commodore and with much better price-tabs on them. Now they have dropped the main income source for all those firms, and I think a lot will be doomed to die. Well, Commodore should be proud of them selves, they finally made a joke out of all of them, including us !!! Thanks a lot for nothing................ A really pissed Mr.Zen/Anti Lamer Force -*- Nasa Headquarters BBS -*- 01803-20437 Holland ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Added by Teak/Anti Lamer Force: ------------------------------- Well, this shit really makes me angry too and i think i'm not the only one who gets pissed off after reading this news (it's true what mr.zen writes cause, if you don't beleive it, look at the latest Amiga Format issue at your local book-store/news-agent). So, what are we going to do now ? Leave it the way it is, be angry on commodore but don't do anything about it and let the Amiga fade away. OR LETS PROTEST AGAINST THIS LAME ACTION THAT COMMODORE HAS MADE, THE AMIGA WAS THE BEST SELLING COMPUTER AT THE MARKET AND WHAT DOES COMMODORE DO ? THEY WANT TO MAKE MONEY AGAIN ON THERE NEW CONCEPT, AND THEREFOR ALL THE PEOPLE WITH AN A500 OR THOSE WHO RECENTLY BOUGHT AN A500plus CAN FALL DEAD AND THE HARDWARE DESIGN COMPANY'S WITH THEM ?! THAT'S NO STYLE !! in an article i read i also saw that commodore was planning to --> DROP THEIR A1500 and A2000 SERIES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let's try to do something about it, lets try to force COMMODORE to produce those machines again, if we succeed (and i need everybody's the danger that the whole AMIGA (all of them!!) fall apart after this major error of COMMODORE. * What's there to do ? ---------------------- Well i wanted to try it with an postcard-action..... Please persuade/ask all your friends that own an Amiga (or that haven't got a computer at all, that doesn't mind) to buy a postcard at th postoffice. Put your name (and adress) on the back and write at the other side (where the big empty space is) the following line: "MY OPINION IS THAT COMMODORE INC. LETS THE AMIGA OWNERS DROP DEAD TO MAKE MONEY AGAIN AND IS WORKING AT DESTROYING THE BUILD UP RELATION BETWEEN IT'S BUYERS AND THE HARDWARE-DESIGN COMPAGNIES AND LET THEM ALL DOWN. I THINK THAT COMMODORE SHOULD START PRODUCING THE AMIGA 500/500plus AGAIN IMMEDIATELY !" Or something like that. Then write down the date (of the moment you wrote it) and sign the postcard. When done that, send all postcards to this adres: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Teak/A.L.F. Po box 317 NL-2910 AH Nieuwerkerk a/d Yssel The Netherlands Europe Then i will collect all the postcards and send them in one huuuuge envelope to commodore itselves, with an angry letter included ofcause. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Well i hope you like this action and take part in it, what is $ 0,30/DM 0,50/HFL 0,60 when you can save the hardware production of harddisks/accelerators/YOUR AMIGA'S VALUE with it !! Thanx for your attention and feel free to contact us. (by modem it's +31 (0)1803-20437) -------------------------------------------------------------------- JOIN THIS ACTION NOW, BEFORE YOU CAN THROW AWAY YOUR AMIGA ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- YO! LISTEN UP! 1.5 GIGS ONLINE *** NOW! *** COME ABOARD NOW!!! ___________ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ \ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \ / \ NODE #1: / / / / / / / / / NODE #2 706 / _____ / / __/ / / / / / 706 650-1417 /\_____ \/ \/ / / / / / 650-XXXX 14.4HST / / / / / / \___/ \___ 16.8DUAL / S / K / / U / L / L / SOON!! \_________/\____/\___/\________/\________/\________/ __________ ___ ___ ________ ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ \ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \ / / / / / ______/ ______/ ______/ / / / / / / __/ / / / ____/ / ____/ /____ / __/ / / / \/ / / / / / / / / / \__// \/ / / / / / / \/ / \/ / \____/ / /\____ / / B / / U / / G / G / E / R / / Y / \________/\________/\________/\________/\________/\___/\___/\________/ -Anarchy!/s8 NOW RUNNING ON A3000/33mhz/1.5 GIG!- FEEL THE POWER!!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=-SYSOPS-THE BIKER/DR.CLI/SKYLARK-=- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________ ___ ___ / ____ \ / /\ / /\ / /\ \ \ / / \ / / \ / / \ / /\_______ / / \ / / __\___ / / \/ / / ____/\ / /_____/_/ / / __ /\/ / / / / /\ \_\___ / ________ / / /\/ / / / / / / /_ \__/ ___/\ / /\ / / / __ / / / / / / __/\/ /__ /\/ / / \ / / /_/ /_/ / / / / / /\ \ \/____/ / /__/ \__/__/ \_\ \_\/ / / / / /__\_\/\____\/ \ \ / \ \ / / /_____/ / /______/\ \ \ / \ \ / /___________/ \ \ \ \__\/ \__\/ \ \ \______\/ \ \ / SYSOP: AFTERLIFE \ \ / *9600+ Only COSYSOP: FALCO \___________\/ *350 Megs Online *Great 0 Day Warez *Cool Ratio's Come to HADES, Everyone does sooner or Later. 913-339-6991 ____ _____ ___ ____ ____ ___ ____ ___ \__ \\___/ /\\_//\ /\ /\ \__ \\__/ /\\_//\ / __ \ /\ /\\_//\ / /__ / /__/ / / \/ / / / / /__/ / \ \ \/ \/ / /__/ / / //_/ / ___ / / /\ / / / / ___ / __\//\ /\ / ___ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / \/ / / / / / / / \/ \/ /_/ \/ \/ \/ \/ /_/ \/\__/ \/ \/ /_/ SYSOP: +33-905-034-91 .---. FURAX! .---. +33-905-034-91 / \ __ / \ EUROPEAN HQ FUSION / / \(..)/ \ \ CO-SYSOPS: OPEN 24H/24H ////// ' \/ ` \\\\\\ PIER NEWS WAREZ //// / // : : \\ \ \\\\ DOCTOR REVENGE ONLY! // / \ / \ \\ TIGER // //..\\ \\ +33-905-034-91 VERY FAST! +33-905-034-91 ________________ ______ ____ ______________ ___ \~ AMIGA /~ /___ /~PC __| |~ ~| /~ CONSOLES \ |~ | |\ ______/ //~ \/ /____| |/ _________ \| | |:\/ |_ / / \ \_____ \ | / \~ \ \ | || _|\ \_/ /___ \ \ | \_/ / \ | || | \ / \_/ / |\ /| \ | |____| \_______/\__________/____| \_______/ |____|\____| on 21 Jul 1992